Trueblood Jail Diversion

Trueblood Jail Diversion

Trueblood services are available in all counties in the region.

What is TRUEBLOOD Jail Diversion?

A Mental Health Diversion Program - The Trueblood program is derived from SAMHSA’s Sequential Intercept Model with a focus on Intercept 2; Initial detention and first court appearance. Trueblood assesses mental health status and needs, develops an individualized community support plan and provides recovery focused case management for incarcerated individuals living with mental illness who meet program eligibility requirements.

What we Do?

The Trueblood Mental Health Diversion Program works with participants living with mental health issues by assisting them to navigate a path out of incarceration.

The Trueblood Diversion Team will engage and assess participants pre-release and post-conviction to establish wrap-around services and assist them in setting up basic needs services. We will continue to guide and assist participants post release by supporting them to meet court requirements and develop healthy practices to utilize over their 6-20 month program.

The focus is for participants to integrate back into society and move forward with their lives in their respective communities while gaining independence, wellness, and stability through following our program recommendations.

Who is eligible for the TRUEBLOOD program?

Individuals who are 18 years or older and are currently facing charges that have a nexus (causal relationship) related to their diagnosed chronic mental illness, are amenable to services and meet the requirements of RCW 2.30.030.

Benefits of the Trueblood Program
  • Dismissed or reduced charges
  • Reduced risk of decompensation
  • Facilitate and help cultivate positive relationships within the community and criminal justice system
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Pre and post release peer support
  • Assistance with community resource connections
  • Individualized Coordinated Care Support Plan.
  • Increased self worth and accomplishment
  • Therapeutic and supportive monitoring
  • Peers monitor client progress.
  • Recovery focused care coordination
  • Sense of connectedness, accountability, and independence
Benefits to the Community
  • Reduced fiscal liability to the county and community served
  • Improved community safety and decreased crime rate
  • Reduced incarcerated population
Goals of the Program
  • Bridge the divide between criminal justice and behavioral health system
  • Reduce recidivism rates
  • Divert individuals from incarceration and in-patient hospitalization type setting
    Connect participants to services in the most efficient manner
  • Provide a community support plan in the least restrictive environment
  • Minimize harm to individuals by reducing long term incarceration and decrease involvement in the criminal justice system
What services does the
TRUEBLOOD program provide?
  • Assessment, evaluation and a collaborative approach
  • Assistance navigating criminal justice and behavioral health systems
  • Pre and post release peer support
  • Individualized support plans
  • Intense recovery focused case management
  • Warm hand-offs to Behavioral Health Agencies
  • Therapeutic and supportive monitoring
Who Provides

The Community Integrated Health Services Agency has developed a team of professionals that provide individualized support in collaboration with existing systems to assist in reintegration of program participants to an appropriate least restrictive environment. The team is comprised of;

Three Mental Health Professionals

  • Evaluate and assess potential participants
  • Recommendations and referrals

Three Case Managers

  • Collaborate with local criminal justice and behavioral health systems
  • Facilitate enrollment into services
  • Warm hand-offs to chosen Behavioral Health Agencies and community supports.

Four Certified Peer Counselors

  • Recovery focused care coordination
  • Rapport building and support through shared experience.

Referral Information

Referrals to the Trueblood team can come directly to any Trueblood team member by faxing a completed referral form to the number below.

The Trueblood program referral form can be completed by the requesting entity or one of the Trueblood team members, along side an individual seeking services.

Each referral form needs have a completed ROI form attached.

Use the button below to download the referral form.

Community Court Specialist

Community Court Specialist

The Community Court Specialist (CCS) assists individuals caught in the legal system that because of their mental health issues are arrested. CCS services are available in Cowlitz County.

What is Community Court Specialist (CCS)?

This program provides mental health assessments, intake process, brief counseling, and referral to behavioral community providers to include the Trueblood program, and mental health court thus; reducing recidivism into the jail system and contact with law enforcement agencies.

What we Do?

The CCS program provides initial mental health care to individuals with a history of encounters with the legal system and jail system through brief counseling, coordination of mental health services, advocacy of behavioral services, psycho­education, crisis support and intervention.

Who is eligible for CCS services?

Individuals assessed in the jail system qualify for the Trueblood program if they show a "nexus" between the offense committed and mental health needs resulting in jail custody. If so, the CCS writes and submits a diagnostic impression of the individual's mental health state to the individual's attorney. If the courts feels that the nexus is not strong enough to qualify for Trueblood, then the individual may still qualify under the "post-conviction" rule. If the individual does not qualify for Trueblood participation, the CCS may still work with this individual through brief counseling or therapy while incarcerated and refer this individual to community mental health providers .

What services does the
Community Court Specialist program provide?
  • Assessment, evaluation and a collaborative approach
  • Assistance navigating criminal justice and behavioral health systems
  • Pre and post release peer support
  • Individualized support plans

Contact information

Office Locations

  • Cowlitz County

    1116 14th Avenue
    Longview, WA 98632

  • Grays Harbor County

    1812 Sumner Avenue
    Aberdeen, WA 98520

  • Lewis County

    1616 S Gold Street, Suite #4
    Centralia, WA 98531

  • Pacific County

    335 Third Street
    Raymond, WA 98577

By Mail

  • Cowlitz County

    1116 14th Avenue
    Longview, WA 98632

  • Grays Harbor County

    1812 Sumner Avenue
    Aberdeen, WA 98520

  • Lewis County

    1616 S Gold Street, Suite #4
    Centralia, WA 98531

  • Pacific County

    335 Third Street
    Raymond, WA 98577

By Phone / Fax